poring over
[网络] 钻研
- My father sat at the kitchen table, poring over the morning market reports.
父亲正坐在厨房的餐桌前,出神地看着早晨股市播报。 - Many people imagine code review as programmers poring over source code.
许多人认为代码检查就是程序员逐行地查看源代码。 - The tradesman was poring over his accounts.
那位商人正在仔细查看他的账目。 - Intelligence experts and scientists were yesterday poring over seismic and other data but said they could not yet confirm a nuclear explosion.
各国情报专家和科学家昨日都在研读地震数据和其它数据,但他们表示,还不能证实发生了核爆炸。 - Tens of thousands of Japanese cell-phone owners are poring over full-length novels on their tiny screens.
成千上万的日本手机用户正热衷于在小小的手机屏幕上阅读厚厚的大部头小说。 - He spent hours poring over the statistics.
他花了数小时钻研这些统计数据。 - Two psychiatrists spent a total of36 hours talking to Anders Breivik as well as poring over his diaries and police interviews.
两名心理病专家总共花了36小时与AndersBreivik交谈,还研究了他的日记和警察访谈。 - He will sit poring over his book, and not know when a person speaks to him, or when one drop's one's scissors, or anything that happens.
他会坐在那里潜心读书,有人跟他说话他也不知道,你把剪刀掉在地上他也不晓得,不管出了什么事他都不理会。 - A father sat at his desk poring over his monthly bills when his young son rushed in and announced.
父亲坐在办公桌旁,正盯着那些堆积了一个月来的账单,这时,他的小儿子冲了过来,大声公布。 - One day my teacher found me in a corner of the library poring over the pages of "The Scarlet Letter." I was then about eight years old.